Sunday, January 26, 2020

Employee Motivation Strategies At Pizza Hut

Employee Motivation Strategies At Pizza Hut The researcher is of the view that motivation is understood by individuals isolated ways; it can either be by enlarged fiscal exhaust, augmentation or better profession expects, acknowledgment from upper-class and superior administration or it can be individual improvement and progress. The researcher refers to Pizza Huts Human Resource procedures as a centre of attention spot in the projected research. It is proposed to distinguish how the overall performance of the company depends on the proper management of the employees through motivation. Another belief of the researcher is that competition is in broad extrinsic because it cheers the performer to be successful and beat competitors and not to have the benefit of the fundamental rewards of the pursuit. 1.1. Title of the Research Proposal: An Investigation into Employee Motivation at Pizza Hut 1.2. Background to the organisation: Pizza Hut is a multinational restaurant and delivery company which is established in America in 1958. Now pizza Hut is the leading company in the world as it has the highest number of outlets and the high percentage of market share. The company oversees more than 11,000 pizza restaurants and delivery stores in 90 countries all over the world. Source: International Directory of Company Histories, Vol. 21. St. James Press, 1998. Pizza Hut constantly observes and supervises its employees and guarantees that they are contented with the strategies and any of the feedbacks are taken as a consideration for the policy and the services. 1.3 Importance of Research: The research proposal is based on the employee motivation of an organization. Employee motivation is one of the major drivers of organizational performance. The importance of the proposed research is as follows: 1.3.1. Importance to organization: The researcher will be able to identify that if the employees of an organization are highly motivated and optimistic they will do all the necessary works to accomplish the purpose of the organization as well as they will be keep going with any of the potential challenges. The researcher will also able to evaluate how the employee motivation effects to the stability of an organization. 1.3.2. Importance to academic body of knowledge: The researcher believes that the completed research will provide academic benefits to all its users whether a management and non-management background. This research will provide the various theories and literature based on the employee motivation which governed at different stages and circumstances. If it is not so possible, the researcher is going to illustrate the best premises from the existing theories to execute an action plan for Pizza hut. 1.3.3. Personal importance: At present the researcher works as a support manager of same organization accountable for convalescing and boosting employee motivations within the company. With this research, researcher feels to have a scope to generate the weekly reward system and structure an incentive plan for the crew members. Apart from that the researcher has expanded a good perceptive of how the motivation is related with the theories and how the internal business runs. Most of all, the researcher learnt how to handle work force throughout the research proposal. 1.4. Research Objectives: The purpose of research is to answers and to discover answers to research questions through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to search for truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. The researcher anticipates examining and distinguishing the followings: To critically evaluate the existing literature on employee motivation To identify distinct models that facilitate clarify matters on employee motivation To analyze the reasons of employee de-motivation. To examine the dynamic motivational enticements provided by Pizza Hut. To develop an instructive theory that related confident aspects with the efficiency of the employee motivation. To recommend proposal for improving employee motivation. 1.5. Research questions: The researcher presumes that the proposed research will explore employee motivation features but there are also other surprising questions may appear. The proposed dissertation will look for the way out set up by the following questions: What is the significance of employee motivation? What does the inspiration of employee motivation necessitate? How do the distinct theories of employee motivation correlate? Why does employee motivation lead to successful organization? What are the key factors that can enhance the motivation in Pizza Hut employees? What are the main features Pizza Hut can take to move on employee motivation? 2. Literature Review: A literature review utilizes as its database information of primary or original learning, and does not account new primary research itself. Cooper (1988), Motivation can be defined as the psychosomatic method that provides activities function and way. In easy way to write that motivation is the internal power that drives persons to attain targets in both individual and professional. Kreitner (1995) 2.1. Maslows (1943) Hierarchy of Needs: Abraham Maslow (1943) set up a pyramid which he called essential needs supported in order to significance. Maslow (1943) as cited Kotler (2001) suggested that there is also a prospect that individuals may prefer to give up most of their needs, becoming sufferer for living with high ethical values. According to the original and eventual and fundamental Maslows (1943) Hierarchy of needs, five human motivational needs are as follows: Physiological and Biological Requirements: fundamental requirements for survival like hunger, desire and thirst, sensory satisfaction. Phychol (1941) Safety Requirements: shelter from hurt or risk of danger or death, commandment, restrictions, strength, etc. Social Requirements: also can be described as love wants that means desire to offer and accept love, liking and affiliation, etc. Freud (1937) Esteem Requirements: self-respect, realization, freedom, position, governance, reputation, executive accountability, etc. Goldstein (1939) Self-Actualization Requirements: understanding individual aptitude, self- realization, looking for individual augmentation and knowledge. Source: It is not possible to encourage someone to reach his/her sales goal (level 4) when he is having struggles with his/her marriage (level 3). Similarly, its impossible to expect someone to be a team leader (level 3) while he/she is on his house re-possessing (level 2). 2.2. Banduras (1977) Self-Efficacy Theory: In 1977, Albert Bandura hypothesized the Self-Efficacy theory which supports the principle that motivation and operation results are main causal features where an individual regards as he/she can achieve the job. Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem There is a minor dissimilarity among these terminologies: Self-efficacy means the capability to achieve a positive role; on the other hand self-esteem exposes the faith of individuals personality. Self-fulfilling Prophecy: People hold high self-efficacy will have the high assurance and be successful in satisfying and completing a given task successfully. Goal-Difficulty: People who have high self-efficacy lean to appoint and unite challenging objectives. Success Rate: Self-efficacy possibly will stalk from previous good performance or unsuccessful. When the new incentive plan will be introduced at Pizza Hut it should be seen from the better performance of employees from the past. Goal-dedication: To pursue a certain goal there may difficult barrier arise but if the employees have high self-efficacy must exhibit high goal responsibility. 2.3. McGregors (1960) XY Theory: The XY Theory was proposed by the famous psychologist Douglas McGregor in his book The Human Side of Enterprise in 1960. McGregor was an American social psychologist, whose theory proposed a stage to expand optimistic administration approach and procedures, so that even today McGregors X-Y Theory is broadly used to obtain information for executive progress. Theory X The managers who are in theory X group are expected to be oppressive. It is difficult to deal with the people who are in the group when they start to perform their job. When the theory deals with the employees, it is seen that they need continuous command, less responsibility, they are not determined, desires job safety and security. Theory Y The managers who are to this grouping are supposed to have participative supervision approach. They seem to be centric administrators who have faith in hands-on attitude to daily concern. This is the belief of the researcher that Pizza Hut will have more Y theory employees as well as managers to enhance the situation of the organization. 2.4. Adams Equity theory: With the analysis of theories recommended by Maslow, Herzberg and other pioneers of workplace and behavioural psychologist, John Stacey Adams set out his Equity Theory in 1963. Adams (1963) conferred his own understanding of an incentive -to- endeavour proportion by signifying that all employees provide their inputs and receive outputs. Inputs are what are given into labour like allegiance, loyalty, gives up long working hours when needed. Outputs are all that is taken out in return like compensation, reward, acknowledgment etc. The researcher deeply believes that the administration at pizza Hut should consistently interconnect to the employees and reveal company information, enquiries and other special offers as well as reward system among them. 2.5. Herzbergs (1959) Two Factor Theory: Frederick Herzberg is recognized with the creation of the two factors theory. Herzberg (1959) did his investigation among 200 engineers and accountants and was proficient to establish that satisfaction and dissatisfaction at work stalked from different aspects not from differing response. The two factors theory is consisting of hygiene and motivational needs. Hygiene factor is also known as maintenance factors such as: Compensation benefits of employee Policy for company Personal and professional life Job safety Relation with others Working environment. Motivational needs are more fundamental by people such as: Attainment Acknowledgment Job itself Accountability Career Augmentation From the theory, the researcher desires to force the point that there must be a great stability amid the hygiene and motivational requirements at Pizza Hut. 2.6. Vrooms (1964) expectancy theory: According to Vroom (1964), the motivation is subjective not only by prestige of a conclusion but an appraisal of its viability. Calculation of probability of an effect being attained is in turn inclined by three things as follows: Accessibility of the required conclusion Individual confidence that a definite action will consequence in conclusion Individual assurance that one has the capability to execute the necessary act effectively. 3.1. Academic Debate: A main question stand to the research subject is why is Motivation so essential? Motivation is a composite purpose for executives to follow as McGregors (1960) XY theory but depends on the different categories. Kovach (1987) monitored as at unique profession points motivation requirements are different. For example, while an employee is young and income enhance, money becomes less motivator whereas later exciting work becomes more of motivator. Adam (1965) Equity Theory notified that when there is lack of gratitude in workplace, discrimination possibly will appear. On the other hand, Houran (2007) notified the initiation of small cluster enticement which cheers employees to give more inputs as McGregors (1960) XY theory illustrates. Martin (2001) in his pragmatic learning has augmented problems recruiting potential employees by following the right method of recruiting. While recruitment is done it is not expected that the employees will be automatically motivated. 3.2. Beyond the debate: The theories which have been described are the shedding of motivation. Nonetheless the theories are followed; the most important factors are the fascinating work and intensive pay for the employee. The researcher understood that if there is the proper configuration in between individual and proficient objects, then employee motivation is an easy task. There are other choices such as job improvement, enhancement, encouragement, fiscal and non-fiscal reward (e.g. identification) should be well thought-out. It may be really tough to moderate the reward system of an organization for all individuals but it is possible to formulate an acceptable method which is suitable for both employees and company. 4. Research Methodology: Saunders (2009) rationalized the methodology as the method of how research should be carried out. By means, methodology has been referred to the procedures and implementations used to attain and investigate data (Ibid). 4.1. Research Philosophy: Research philosophy can be defined as the expansion of learning in a distinct subject and the characteristics of that learning. Saunders (2009) According to Saunders (2009), there are three major types of research philosophy: Epistemology Epistemology can be sub divided into followings: Positivism Positivism has a meaningful theoretical point of view which has the required reflection of data that is being taken. The existing theory will assist to bring about thesis. If data is been collected properly only then a research approach and strategy can be concluded wherein data can be collected. Realism This philosophical approach testifies that what is professed by the right mind and what is the truth, it is not driven by the existing theory or belief and individual assessment and imitations. However, Realism is only significant when data is accrued, evaluated and illuminated. Interpretivism Interpretivism raises the thought that the communal issue is crucial to identify with the variation among human essence. It is known that each and every human creature is a social performer who interprets his/her basic and social wants and for the others which he/she can realize from the thought. Ontology Ontology philosophical approach which overlays the way, as cited in Saunders (2009), to the sufficiency of the learning gained by the overall investigation progress. The features of authenticity and the view how the process is carried out are more important in this philosophy. Axiology Axiology is one type of philosophical approach which deals with the observations and evaluation conceded on human morals that are demonstrated to clarify that the research is done with the credibility. 4.2. Research Approach: As the researcher ready decided the research philosophy he will adapt so it must be thought for the most appropriate research approach to be carried out the research. According to Saunders (2007), the major research approaches includes: Deductive Approach Deductive approach is what to test existing theory. The deductive approach inclines more to the positivism. Saunders (2009) which is cited by Robson (2002) hypothesizes that if the deductive approach is selected, there are 5 stages how the research will be carried out: Investigating the association between conceptions or variables and then test the hypothesis. The conceptions or variables will be calculated and then expressed in effective terminologies. Testing of hypothesis. Assessing the outcomes. Acknowledge or modify the conceptions. Inductive Approach Inductive approach is necessarily more research oriented because here the researcher collects the data and critically analyzes and then develops a hypothesis from all the observations. If the data is available and if the data is well interpreted then it is possible to make an knowledgeable appraisal about the projected research design. Secondly, access of data can be very partial or sometimes totally impossible to access or may be the researcher does not have prior knowledge. Easterby-Smith (2002) cited in Saunders (2009) As the research objectives are formulated, the researcher must choose the deductive approach because of the existing data. The researcher considers that in deductive approach the data does exist and that is why the overall research will be quicker and smooth and the another reason for choosing deductive approach that the researcher feels that there is a low risk in this approach. 4.3. Research Strategy As the deductive approach is chosen it is important to choose the similar research strategy to match. There are some important research strategies include: Experiment Case study Action research Grounded theory Ethnography and archival research Survey Source: Saunders (2009) From above research strategies the researcher feels that the most appropriate strategy will be the survey framing a questionnaire. The researcher will carry out the questionnaire with the data collected from the current employees at Pizza Hut within his store as well as the other. 5. Research Sampling: The research will be focusing on the questionnaire based on the employees, support managers and the RGM. The employees who are in the restaurant and the delivery units will be the main focus. Sampling methods can be categorized as: Saunders (2009) Probability or Representative Sampling: If the probability of each personal being taken from the complete personnel is known then it is called representative sampling. The probability sampling is perfect for survey and investigational research strategies. Non Probability or Judgmental Sampling; If the probability of each personal being taken from the complete personnel is unknown then it is called judgmental sampling, this would be essential if it is used in a pilot survey. From above sampling the researcher will be taking probability sampling for his research because the sample of his research is fully known. 6. Research Credibility: The research is credible when there is less research is done in this precise part in the organization. Credibility depends on the faithfulness of the researcher that it is only be used for the academic purposes. The most important factor is to believe that the variables which researcher has taken are appropriate for the specific research. Furthermore, the confidentiality for research work is also important and the anonymity is another part of research work. The researcher must acknowledge that the data he/she got from the participants, these will confident and no third party will be involved here. Validity is all about determining if the generated outcomes are essentially true. There are some threats mentioned in Saunders (2009): The researcher must be concern when he will carry out the research. Furthermore, if the researcher wants to attain the data from every step, the employees may not like it and may be they will refuse to disclose. There should not be a specific time for the participants to complete the questionnaire. There are some aspects have to be maintained: Time management and choosing of right variables for the research. The participants must not be prejudiced by higher authority, mystery should be there. The questionnaire must be systematic and free of error. The data collection must be correct even though there is any critical situation. 7. Time Horizon: There are two well known methods are used traditionally for the studies of development are: Longitudinal or Cross sectional. However, both methods have advantages as well as disadvantages. Salkind (2004) Longitudinal study is a relationship research study that necessitates frequent observations of the identical objects over an extent phase of time, where the time can be for 5 to 10 years or more. The Cross sectional study is a study that necessitates observations of all of inhabitants on a representative subset at a distinct time where the time can be 6 to 12 months. The researcher will be using the cross sectional technique because the short period of time and the variables of the research is known. The longitudinal technique will not help the researcher because there is not so much time for the frequent observations of the identical matter as the participants will not be interested. 8. Data Collection: Secondary research methods: Secondary data refers to the data that has been collected by others for another purpose. The main advantage of collecting the secondary data is that it can save considerable time and effort as the data already exists. Among secondary data, the following types of secondary will be examined- Academic research E-resources Company website Other relevant publication Media Documentary secondary data Survey based secondary data Primary research methods The objectives in conducting the primary research is to acquire new and the latest data in order to be processed into useful information to give solution to the research question. If the data collected does not meet the aspects of reliability and validity, the research will not get its credibility. The researcher will choose both the methods because collecting secondary data is less time and money consuming and data is sustainable, authentic and reliable. Secondary data is innovative and easy for comparison and most importantly easy to access and available. Primary method is an effective as comments and responses can be attained by applying less effort, time and money. 9. Ethical Issues: Ethics while the research is carrying out is linked with the overall process that the way research topic is chosen, intended, the data collection methods, data analyzing process and stored all through the credibility and fairness. The researcher is going to go behind his own regulations of ethics which will a classical model are as follows: Privacy of participants Participants ability to withdraw partially or completely from the research Confidential maintenance of data given to protect anonymity Participants should be comfortable while sharing information Researchers right to safety Deception Participants confidentiality Discrimination Respecting target sample Right to anonymity No risk of harm Source: Saunders (2009) 10. Data Access and Resource Implication: The researcher kept in his mind while choosing the objectives and the questions that where he can gain access the data. The proposal should be on that particular area where the researcher has the access to the essential data to complete a successful dissertation. Naom(2007). The researcher will use all sources of data which will have the availability of access to complete the research. The data will be collected from various academic books, articles, journal etc. The data also will be collected from the various internet search engine, e-journal, articles etc. Another important source is from the organisations website. Collection of data is through direct survey, averages in order to get perfect data directly from the employees. In terms of expenses all the elements will be reasonably priced and the researcher will try to keep all the costs as low as possible. Because of the interview will be taken in store so there will be no expense for this. 11. Action Plan TASKS TIME 1. Academic Knowledge June 2010 2. Topic Selection June 2010 3. Firm up Objectives and questions July 2010 4. Research Literature July 2010 5. Write Literature Review Aug 2010 6. Write Methodology Aug 2010 7. Prepare Questionnaire Sep 2010 8. Pilot Questionnaire Refine Sep 2010 9. Administer Questionnaire/ Collect Data/ Analyse Data Oct 2010 10. Write Findings Oct 2010 11. Write discussion/ Conclusion/ Recommendation Nov 2010 12. Reflective review Nov 2010 13. Proof Reading Dec 2010 14. Turn it in and Print Binding Jan 2011 15. Submit Dissertation Jan 2011 12. References: Adams (1963) Bandura, A. (1977). Self efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioural change. Broom (1964) Cooper H. M. (1988). The structure of knowledge synthesis Knowledge in Society, vol. 1, pp. 104-126 Freud, A (1937), The ego and the mechanisms of defence, Hogarth, London Psychological Review Goldstein, K (1939), The Organism, American Book Company, New York. Herzbergs (1959) Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders, Wong (2001): Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall Kreitner, R. (1995). Management, 6th Edition, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. McGregors (1960) Martin, Samuel (2001). Secrets of Employee Motivation, Journal of the American Chiropractic Association. Maslow, A. H. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, July 1943. 370-396. Phychol. Bull(1941), The experimental analysis of appetite, p 129-164 Salkind N J (2004). An Introduction to Theories of Human Development, SAGE Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2007) Research Methods for Business Students, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, p. 108, 119, 124, 127, 140-142, 155-160,

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Save the Earth, Save Mankind

Good morning Miss and my fellow classmates. Today, I would like to talk to you about topic on â€Å"save the earth and save mankind†. My dearest audience, imagine it’s after class now and you’re heading back to your car under the bright hot sun. After you get in the car, you grab some tissue and wipe all your sweat. What would you do after using the tissue? Well, let’s be frank. We wind down the window and just throw them outside. It is fun doing it when you see no cars behind or beside you. Let’s pollute the earth and hopefully clog the drain.We would love to swim in the flood. Next, imagine you just woke up from your sleep, went to wash up while leaving the air conditioner on. After washing up, you feel like having a cold soft drink in your room. So you open up the fridge saw some chocolate bar, hesitate a while, grab a can of soft drink and went back to your room. While you’re about to step into your room, you feel like having a bar of cho colate, so you go back to the fridge, get a bar of chocolate and went upstairs. Now the most enjoyable magical moment in this morning is the moment you step into your room.With a can of soft drinks, a bar of chocolate and most importantly is the cold enjoyable CFC releasing room. What more to ask in such relaxing morning? Imagine your friend called you up and he asked you to come over to his walking distance house. What would you do? Well of course you start your car and drive to his house because it is an irrational act to walk to your friend’s house. Reason because you’ll be a victim to kidnappers? Unfortunately no, but something even worse than being kidnapped, it is because the sun will melt you down and the distance will break your leg.Let’s drive more and burn more fuel to release more carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide to the air. Who says we cannot fight god’s creation? We can increase the earth temperature and defeat mother earth with greenhouse effect! Imagine you’re a person with the authority to voice out in your country. In order for a country to develop, the best way is to develop land. So let’s organize campaign to support deforestation! Let’s celebrate for every single tree being cut down and you’ll see new project in the future. Let’s support burning down more forest and hope for a better economy.Burn more and increase the greenhouse temperature. We would love to inhale polluted air but not with forest around us. Imagine you’re living in the arctic, freezing cold, no place to go during winter so you just stay at home and pray that the people from other region can help melting the ice by increasing global temperature. The best part of melting the ice is not to solve the cold temperature but to increase the sea level. Let’s pray and hope for a rise in sea level. Let’s cover more land with sea and with this increase of sea level let’s hope for another mega tsunami.We shall wait for a brand new video on this beautiful tragedy. Let us all leave the air conditioner in the room turned on while we’re not using. Let’s drive more and burn more fuel. Let’s burn more and increase the earth temperature. Let’s increase the temperature and melt the ice. Let’s melt the ice and increase the sea level. Let’s increase the sea level and pray for more tragedy. Now please take a minute to think! In the end, who is the one suffering? Who is the one will pray for a better day to live? Who is the one begging for another chance to fix the problem?We are the one. But don’t be afraid. I’m here to remind you the ways of preventing. Let me start with the easiest way which is start recycling. Since young, we were all taught to learn how to recycle by differentiating different types of material that can be recycled such as glass, paper, aluminum and plastic. This is the easiest way that we can start to help saving the earth. By recycling, we reduce factory production and therefore it reduces the air pollution as well. With one stone, we can kill 2 birds, it’s worth a shot.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Unexplained Mystery Into Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College Uncovered

The Unexplained Mystery Into Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College Uncovered Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College - the Conspiracy At the same time that you may be someone who can begin an essay off of the surface of your head free of issue, a lot of people find it simpler to sit down and write out an outline before beginning. In your introduction write a few sentences proving that there's a great reason behind comparison. For example an individual may opt for a topic like, life in the shoes of a werewolf. Or you're risking of getting blocked by bad understanding of your topic and inability to come up with the idea as it ought to be. Whether you're ready to compose your compare and contrast essay or you're in the practice of inventing your very own catchy topic it would be of help to check out compare and contrast essay examples to have a very clear picture of what you need to write. The topic for a compare and contrast essay will probably be set by the topi c or course a student is enrolled. You might discover that starting a compare and contrast essay is simpler than you might have imagined. A contrast essay isn't as complicated as you believe. The thesis statement stipulates the principal point of or ideas in your essay. You're aiming to compose the ideal essay! You might also understand the leadership essay. You might also observe the descriptive essay. Comparison Of Websites When creating the internet content, it is necessary to regard the tone and language. Based on the strategy you need to use, you'll need to decide on an appropriate compare and contrast essay outline. Now that you're conscious of the dangers of employing a compare and contrast essay sample, along with the simple fact that trying to find one is many times a time-consuming process in itself, you could be wondering if a custom written essay service may help you. You might also understand the evaluation essay templates. After the essay requires a large number of approaches to explore, it's important to understand how to organize it correctly in an effort to guarantee easy reading. Therefore, in case you have difficulties about how to compose a c ontrast essay, just stick to the tips outlined above. Our experts will let you know absolutely the exact same, but after teaching you the way to compose a compare and contrast essay. Don't forget, the same as in other kinds of essays, thorough research is extremely relevant here, too. You may also order a fully written compare and contrast essay and alleviate the quantity of work you must do. If you're running short on ideas of what criteria you'll be able to compare and contrast, it is possible to always brainstorm by utilizing a Venn diagram. The introduction has three crucial elements. For instance, if you have to produce a comparison between two unique events through two aspects, you're need two paragraphs. Facts, Fiction and Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College There are lots of words that you are able to utilize to connect your thoughts and show how you're comparing or contrasting your topics. Simply create two overlapping circles, one for each one of the top ics which you're comparing. So now you understand how to pick the best compare and contrast topics and the various segments that you want to address when writing. Lucky for you, there are a lot of topics you could concentrate on when writing and it's all your responsibility to figure out the precise topic that you wish to build on. Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College Help! The very first thing you ought to do is identify the sort of compare and contrast essay which you're handling. For instance, you may assist the reader see a meaningful connection between both subjects. You can begin with the kind of topic you select for your compare and contrast essay. If you want to obtain a complimentary example, there's no greater place to search than an expert online writing website. In order to comprehend how to begin an essay, you have to first have a complete comprehension of what you're likely to be writing about. Just utilize all you can remember from this issue you're working with. When it can be less painful to write on a well-known topic, with a little research and organization, a writer can make an essay on a number of subject areas if assigned. In the event the topic you're working with is exciting for you, we're sure it is totally simple to work with this. Where to Find Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College If necessary, you could always turn to professionals to supply you with a nudge or assist you with your topics or sources. Write down a list of topics you find appealing, analyze all the probable sources and select the one, which isn't just intriguing but has plenty of evidence to found your essay on. You have to try to remember that such an essay is about presenting your point of view and backing it by reliable sources and data. So as to continue to keep your essay informative and engaging, you will want to source for factual information which not only impresses the reader but also teaches them something they might not ha ve already known. Where to Find Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College Realistically, either kind of essay will normally tackle both similarities and differences. Compare and contrast essays means you must analyze the similarities and differences between a few things. Comparison essays have a tendency to concentrate on similarities, whilst contrast essays concentrate on differences. A decent compare-and-contrast essay goes beyond a very simple listing of similarities and differences to earn a meaningful statement about a bigger topic. Up in Arms About Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College? Thirdly, choose the format in which you will organize your essay and finally, you've got to use suitable transitions in order for your ideas can flow logically. If you opt to ask a question, don't neglect to hint at the answer within the next portion of your paper. Your capability to make a fantastic paper is dependent on structuring an ideal outline. How to Choose Compa re and Contrast Essay Topics for College A strong essay is going to have an opening paragraph that comes with a thesis statement and a concluding paragraph. It is possible to restate your thesis statement and point out a number of the arguments used over the whole essay that backs it up. If necessary, you might review how to compose a comparison or contrast essay in the former post. What remains unchecked needs to be addressed in the contrast paragraphs. Although the connection between teaching and acting might not look to be an obvious one, the more it is thought about, the simpler it is to observe the similarities between both jobs. College is a time for students to concentrate on courses that are unique to the student's career objectives. Every student was assigned a compare and contrast essay at least one time in a lifetime. Students who excel in writing about such complex topic could have an opportunity to be enrolled into a number of the very best Art universities to com e up with their abilities and talent.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Power of Music Therapy Essay examples - 1013 Words

Ever wonder why a song may bring tears to your eyes? Or how music allows you to recall a specific memory of your past? Well others have thought of the same questions and actually have been able to harness the power of music and direct it toward healthcare. This practice is known today as Music Therapy. Music Therapy is the prescribed use of music and music related techniques to assist and motivate a person towards specific, nonmusical goals. Music therapists use their training to effect changes in the cognitive, physical, communication, social, and emotional skills. This type of therapy utilizes music and music related activities to modify ineffective learning patterns, help to promote emotional, mental, social and physical growth and†¦show more content†¦Every day it is applied in many health setting including operating and delivery rooms, along with private practice. The simplest way of listening to music it to listen in the sensuous plane. It is the plane on which we hear music without thinking, without considering it in any way. One turns on the radio while doing something else and absent-mindedly bathes in the sound. A kind of brainless but attractive state of mind is engendered by the mere sound appeal of the music (Copland 1), which explains why Music Therapy is such an easy and tolerated method by both healthcare professionals as well as their patients. Many professionals have acknowledged this information such as, Members of the Research Group in Pediatric Anesthesiology at the Hospital for Sick Children in Paris and doctors in many American hospitals have used carefully selected types of music to reduce their patients dependency on tranquillizers (Leymarie 218). After all, musical eurhythmics enables the patient to be at peace with both him/herself as well as with the rest of the world (Leymarie 220), this practice of coordinating bodily movement as an aid to musical development. Although there is not yet a well-documented theory to explain how music therapy works, research shows that it reduces blood pressure, heart rate, respiration and body temperature. It benefits moods and seems able to improve immune and hormone function. In the March 2005 issue of the journal Medical Herald, JoanneShow MoreRelatedDementia And The Power Of Music Therapy By Steve Matthews1011 Words   |  5 Pages In the article â€Å"Dementia and the Power of Music Therapy† by Steve Matthews, argues that music therapy has positive effects on dementia, in terms of non-pharmacological treatment, inexpensive in health budgets, and neurocognitive benefits for patients. Matthews starts off the article by describing current tendency of dementia in western nation. He mentions that dementia is one of fast increasing disease in United States, Canada, UK, Europe, and Australia. Additionally, Australian government’s investmentRead MoreMusic : The Power Of Music1741 Words   |  7 Pages Uses of Music The Power of Music Ariel Balda South Piedmont Community College Abstract Music is something has been around for a really long time. Music can be seen as a form in which artists express themselves but it could also benefit people that listen to it. Music has many uses for people. Musical therapy is a type of therapy that has been developed and researched well. Patients using musical therapy benefit in many ways such as helping in dealing with emotions, improvingRead MoreMusic Therapy Is Effective Or Not?925 Words   |  4 Pagestoday’s day and age, people cannot go anywhere or do anything without listening to music. From elevator music, to exercise in the gym, to background music in restaurants, to the radio in the car, we cannot escape music. It is such an overlooked yet essential part of our daily lives, but what is unknown by many is that music is also used very deliberately in the lives of others. Many hospitals use music therapy to help treat their stroke patients, premature infants, those diagnosed with AlzheimerRead MoreTheory of Music a nd its Effects on Health and Wellness900 Words   |  4 PagesTheory of Music and its Effects on Health and Wellness Chronic diseases are a problem for the mind and body. Not only are chronic diseases harmful to the body, they take a toll on a person’s psychological wellbeing. Depression, anxiety, and stress are the most common problems associated with chronic diseases. They are harmful to the body and inhibit recovery. However, the theory of music has been proven to decrease stress, depression, and contribute to improved health. Patients with chronic diseasesRead MoreEssay about Alternative Methods of Healing: Music Therapy1561 Words   |  7 Pagesdocumented and widely used. Physical therapy is often a precursor to surgery and many times will prevent the need to undergo a more invasive procedure. A lesser-known form of alternative healing but becoming more popular is music therapy. In the late 18th century, scientists began to investigate the effects of music on the human body; however, using music as a healing medium dates back to ancient times. There are many forms and techniques of music therapy that aid a variety of disabilities havingRead MoreMusic and sounds have the power to effect one’s thoughts and emotions. Certain tones, pitches,1300 Words   |  6 PagesMusic and sounds have the power to effect one’s thoughts and emotions. Certain tones, pitches, lyrics, and melodies can invoke happiness, sadness, relief, and confidence. To achieve these emotions with music, many people find it helpful to enroll into music therapy. According to the American Music Therapy Association, music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals. These goals may be to manage stress, promote wellness, alleviate painRead More†¢ Dance, whether it’s publicly or privately. †¢ Listen to music that the patients loved listening1200 Words   |  5 Pages†¢ Dance, whether it’s publicly or privately. †¢ Listen to music that the patients loved listening to before. Even if the therapist doesn’t think it’s the best music choice for the goal that day, it most certainly could be because of the familiar memories it brings back to the client. Know that perceptual modifications can change the way patients hear music. If they say it sounds terrible, listen to their judgment and turn it off. †¢ Attend different types of concerts and venues, giving contemplationRead MoreThe Effects Of Music Therapy On Patients1061 Words   |  5 Pageschoice of music during a receptive music therapy session may not only distract the patient from negative affective states, but also may provide a sense of autonomy and control over a patient s immediate environment. The purpose of the essay was to determine whether receptive music therapy can improve two general dimensions of emotional experience and pain in a single session for patients. The guiding research question was: Will participants experience improved positive affect following a music therapyRead MoreThe Effect of Music in Students775 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"Music is an important and extremely useful tool in the way we learn and to deny its power is a waste of a truly wonderful resource† (Kristian David Olson). Many researches have shown that music can have an affect on a variety of different conditions, including; ones’ education, social connection, and mental healing. Educationally, music can prepare your brain for superior achievements. In effect, this can cause a better understanding of mathematics and language skills or abilities. Socially, musicRead MoreMusic Therapy : What, When, Where, And Why1434 Words   |  6 PagesMusic Therapy: Who, What, When, Where, and Why Music speaks. Through lyrics, harmonies, melodies, dynamics, and rhythms, music speaks. The song â€Å"You’ll Be in my Heart† written and enchantingly sung by Phil Collins always takes me back: â€Å"For one so small-/ You seem so strong-/ My arms will hold you-/ Keep you safe and warm-/ This bond between us-/ Can t be broken-/ I will be here-/ Don t you cry-/ Cause you ll be in my heart-/ Yes, you ll be in my heart-/ From this day on-/ Now and forever